Advice on keeping score/marking/referreeing
Published: 11 Oct 2008 - 18:21 by nickorossa
Updated: 14 Oct 2008 - 08:14
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I've been stitched up signed up to captain one of the two teams at my local club in the local leagues. The home team are responsible for scoring the match. The nature of our courts are that there is no viewing area at the back, so you have to stand at the back wall which is glass.
Any advice on the best/easiest way to do this for newbies to scoring etc?

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From rippa rit - 14 Oct 2008 - 08:00 - Updated: 14 Oct 2008 - 08:14
From nickorossa - 14 Oct 2008 - 05:33
There is about an 8 inch gap between the top of the glass and the wall going up.
The glass has some suff on it (upto about 3ft high) to stop the ball getting "lost" with the colour of the carpet behind the glass, which means unless your stood right at the glass you can't see everything that goes on. If your stood right at the glass presumably that could be quite distracting!
Guarenteed if I get a pool side chair, someone will whack it through the gap trying to play the back wall
Any advice on the best way to keep score; to focus on the game (ok I get distracted easily), the calling of lets/strokes etc etc etc .......
From rippa rit - 12 Oct 2008 - 09:11
If there is any room behind the glass back, and it is too awkward to have a permanent fixture, put up a couple of ladders and make a painting like scaffold using a short plank (long enough to sit two people) then they can be folded away after the match is over and used next time. This might not be approved by the work place health and safety committee. I suppose a couple of short ladders and stand up would also be an option then getting on and off would be much easier (not so far to fall!).
Just thought, we have a centre without stands, and the court floor is about a metre above the passageway level (the ladies do not like that too much so shorts are the go), and they use microphones which get plugged in for the comp games.
From Adz - 12 Oct 2008 - 04:30
if there's any gaps between the top of the glass wall and the ceiling then get a chair or some of those swimming pool life-guard chairs.
That always works well!
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