recovery and cardio training
Published: 07 Oct 2008 - 17:19 by mike
Updated: 02 Nov 2008 - 19:54
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The role of rest after resistance training is well known, the training stresses muscles and during recovery they get bigger and stronger.
I haven't been able to find out if the same is true of cardio training. Is it necessary to rest the cardio system after stressing it, or could cardio work be done every day?

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From rippa rit - 10 Oct 2008 - 08:16
From mike - 08 Oct 2008 - 22:38
From rippa rit - 07 Oct 2008 - 18:42 - Updated: 07 Oct 2008 - 18:46
Mike here is a pretty sound sort of fitness forum which I am sure you will enjoy reading.
If anaerobic work is basically strength and at a slower rate the recovery will be determined by how tired the muscles feel. The older you get the longer the recovery period.
So, an aerobic workout is the quick short sharp bursts of cardio. The fitter you are the quicker the recovery. By taking your resting pulse each morning you can monitor your fitness level and see how it decreases as you get fitter. Remember you must overload to get extra fitness benefits. The recovery can be measured by how long it takes your pulse to come back to normal.
An example, I tried to increase my fitness by doing more aerobic work and found I was limited by my muscles and joints not my lungs. Why? I guess, as I have had a very good aerobic base spanning over 40 years, that does stick to me well. They say fitness sticks if it is built up over a longer period whereas something built up over a short period only lasts for a short period also. If that makes sense.
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Yeah Mike, it is a fine line when increasing your training load, a bit like dieting; if you substitute one thing for another often that can then makes things stay the same. If you overtrain then the recovery takes longer, and sometimes little injuries happen too, so small increments might take longer though could be better in the long term. You can increase your aerobic base by doing little things on court too which is an ok way, eg have longer rallies, have six rallies before then playing out the point, no talking during the training and keep the heart rate up for the whole time, do some pushup/situps/burpees, etc in between games.
I feel tired already
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