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So you feel you are climbing?

Published: 03 Oct 2008 - 07:16 by rippa rit

Updated: 03 Oct 2008 - 07:24

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When I read this article about Brad Hindle's steady climb to No. 65 in the WR I thought, how steep the climb.  It took my eye as I watched this young man play some weeks ago, and, yes, he is a darnn good player.  He has all the shots.  The story, as I remember it is, Brad was a top local junior, not an Australian Junior Under 19 Champ though, and held his own against his interstate counterparts.  He has been overseas for five years and has climbed five places this year.

Oh, boy, climbing five places seems pretty commendable, but in five year increments, that must seem mighty slow when you are training hard and  earning little income.  This hardly seems fair, when tennis players with this kind of ranking are doing OK and able to buy expensive houses overseas so they have a home while on tour. 


Not only are the players trying to climb, the sport is also trying to reach UP and into the public eye.


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