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Men's World Open to Change Hands

Published: 08 Feb 2005 - 08:55 by raystrach

Updated: 08 Feb 2005 - 08:55

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The recent news that the Men's World Open has changed hands from the Professional Squash Association(PSA) to the the World Squash Federation (WSF) will hardly set the world of squash players abuzz, but it is an important event that will bring increased solidarity to the world of Squash and increase the chances of Squash becoming an Olympic event.

Although the PSA will continue to operate the event under license, WSF ownership will diminish the possibility of competing "Opens" in the future. It was not that long ago there were noises from some top male professionals of starting a rival tour because of dissatisfaction with the PSA. How serious this talk was is anybody's guess, but it does highlight how easy it could have been to have two mens world championships.

With the backing of over 150 member nations, the WSF is a far better custodian of the Men's World Open title. WSF ownership will also demonstrate to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that the sport of Squash is totally united and determined to gain full Olympic status.

Both WSF President, Jahingir Khan and PSA Chairman, Jack Herrick, strongly backed the move with Herrick saying there were plently of positives and zero negatgives. "It's a win - win situation", he said.

Khan, himself the winner of total of eight World Titles, was delighted with the outcome and praised the PSA. "There is no other sport in the world where the ties between the professional organisations and the International Federation are so close and where such excellent cooperation exists." he said.

The agreement is now in place for the 2005 event onwards.squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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