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Something good is happening?

Published: 13 Sep 2008 - 09:13 by rippa rit

Updated: 15 Sep 2008 - 07:04

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As I take a bit of time to browse around the net to-day I get this feeling that something good is going to happen to squash.   Am I dreaming?  Hope not.  Why?

  • World Squash have revamped their site and it looks great, and easy to follow.
  • PSAlive have revamped their video coverage to Flash Player Streaming.
  • PSAlive U-tube videos available to the public of superb quality.

This all must help PSA and other squash bodies get sponsorship for their tournaments. So with better coverage, more viewers, etc opportunities must improve for everyone.  The Olympics must be a certainty if promos like this keep happening. 

We'll see!




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From rippa rit - 15 Sep 2008 - 07:02   -   Updated: 15 Sep 2008 - 07:04

Mike - Framboise from squashsite has reported "a new era for squash"..

It is not going to happen overnight but every little thing helps squash rise in the public's eye.  Let's hope those remaining courts throughout the country stay put to see a resurgance.  Mind you I believe some venues are very tired looking and a rethink for the future would be a good idea.

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From mike - 13 Sep 2008 - 11:17

And the 755 entries into the World Masters in NZ is a pretty good sign too :)

The organisers of the QLD Open were pleased to get 140 entries

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