Shovelling in the back corners!
Published: 12 Feb 2005 - 17:41 by rippa rit
Updated: 18 Aug 2006 - 09:15
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When players shovel in the back corners (they put their two hands on the racket and scoop the ball), it can be contrary to the rules. When shoveling, you must actually hit the ball off the strings, and not sling the ball off the racket face. There are a few important things to consider.
When the ball has gone past you while in the middle of the court that can overcome the shoveling problem, ie
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When the ball has gone past you while in the middle of the court that can overcome the shoveling problem, ie
- Turn and travel(move to the ball) facing the back wall.
- Keep away from the corners and side wall.
- Do not go any furtherinto the corner than, say a racket length from the side or back wall, leaving room to swing the racket.
- Try not to rush and crowd (by getting too close to the ball).
- Take long low strides for balance and be prepared to bend low to get under the ball..
- If the ball strikes the back wall, about a racket length high, it will surely bounce back into the court, so wait for it, and drive/lob to length. That will get you out of trouble.
- If the ball strikes lower than, say, a racket length high, be prepared to hit a side wall boast. This shot, hit at the correct angle on the side wall, can be a really good shot. That will also get you out of trouble.
- Always follow up the boast, and look to return the next shot to length.

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From drop-shot - 08 Nov 2005 - 19:51
From rippa rit - 08 Nov 2005 - 13:28
Slavi - good to see you get my point!
Yeah, no getting around the court like a "kangaroo"! Now you have learned to lope around the court, try waiting for the ball to come off the back wall, even until it may only be 12/15cm off the floor, and you will probably still manage to do a good drive, and not a boast. It is ok to cheat and shorten the racket grip, if necessary, and that sure can trick the opponent as well. Give it a go.
Yeah, no getting around the court like a "kangaroo"! Now you have learned to lope around the court, try waiting for the ball to come off the back wall, even until it may only be 12/15cm off the floor, and you will probably still manage to do a good drive, and not a boast. It is ok to cheat and shorten the racket grip, if necessary, and that sure can trick the opponent as well. Give it a go.
From drop-shot - 07 Nov 2005 - 20:31
Hey there, Rita and the others... Well, as i can see we touch upon a sensitive aspect of the game called squash, Back court game.
I have to admit, the most important point in your tip is nr. 6 - how to make lunge, side-steps, and get the ball in maximum three STEPS, without sprinting around the court. And obviously, go down behind the ball.
And By The Way - Shovelling in the back corners is registred trademark of mine :-)))) as you remember.
I have to admit, the most important point in your tip is nr. 6 - how to make lunge, side-steps, and get the ball in maximum three STEPS, without sprinting around the court. And obviously, go down behind the ball.
And By The Way - Shovelling in the back corners is registred trademark of mine :-)))) as you remember.
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Regarding that "cheat-trick" - I saw James Willstrop doing that on the tournament and I did try it as well. It works.
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