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Ladder Scoring

Published: 09 Sep 2008 - 06:32 by faada

Updated: 22 Nov 2009 - 19:15

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Hey all,

I'm currently playing in my local club ladder and I'm not happy with the scoring system being used, I'd appreciate any suggestions for alternatives, here's how our ladder is setup:

There are approximately 10 divisions of 6 players each, at the end of every month 2 go up and 2 go down from each division. We prefer this to the single ladder 'challenge' system.

The match scoring is what we're not happy with, currently matches are scored as follows:

Match Score               Point Allocation

3-0                                6-1

3-1                                5-2

3-2                                4-3

Using this method, I can lose all my games 3-2 and end up with 15 points for the month, while someone else can win 3 games by 3-2 and lose the other 2 3-0 and end up with only 14 points. We feel wins should be more heavily weighted.

Currently we're thinking of simply changing the point allocations to 7-1, 6-2 and 5-3, thus giving wins more 'weight'. This may well be the solution, but I'm wondering if there are other scoring systems out there that I should look at?


Thanks for the help!


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From Woking_Squash - 22 Nov 2009 - 19:15

At my club the scoring is as follows:

3-0 is 7-2

3-1 is 6-3

3-2 is 5-4

I don't understand how you can lose 3-0 and still get 2 points. It is like a reward fo turning up.

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From faada - 11 Sep 2008 - 02:30


very good points in your first post, appreciate the input and I'll take that into consideration.

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From faada - 11 Sep 2008 - 01:09   -   Updated: 11 Sep 2008 - 01:09

We also have an incentive system for playing all matches, 5 points at the end of the month if all are played, 2.5 if 4 of 5 are played.


Thanks to everyone for the feedback so far, would love to hear more ideas if they're out there.

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From Adz - 10 Sep 2008 - 02:09

To make further sense of my last post........


Player A has lost all matches 2-3

Player B has won 3 matches 3-2 and lost 2 matches 0-3

Therefore players C & D must have won 2 matches (against A and B) and players E & F have won 1 lost 1 against A & B respectively.

So, C, D, E & F all have 3 matches left to play (as each have already played A & B but not each other).

Logically if C & D win one more match then they would have one 3 games and therefore deserve to go up if they've played all their games (min score is 16 if C beats D 3-2 but then loses all other matches 3-0). Note that this gives C 16 points but puts D, E & F on 13 points each.


Now, if no other matches are played, A deserves to 2nd place as he got a close result against B and also got closer results against the others than B did (e.g. won MORE games!).

However, if just 1 more match is played by ANYONE, then A no longer comes second as they get overtaken by the winner of the other matches (unless this winner was C in which case the loser gets at least 1 point making them have 14 versus A's 15).

As mentioned earlier, as long as D, E & F play all their games then one of them MUST get more than 15 points they can't all lose to each other without one of them winning and getting into the top 2.


So...... Results are either A gets into the top 2 as the others haven't played all their games and A got better results than B and deserves to get into the top 2 as they played more games than the other 4 players......


OR........ A doesn't get into the top 2 as another 2 players have won more games than they did (probably by winning 3 or more mathces!).


Hope this makes sense to someone as the more I read it I think I've gone off on a tangent!






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From Adz - 10 Sep 2008 - 01:51

I have to say I think having someone lose all their matches 3-2 means that they've done well and deserve 15 points.

I think that you need to consider the other results in the league.........


It's impossible for the player who lost all matches 3-2 to come in 1st or 2nd in the league IF ALL MATCHES ARE PLAYED. And if all matches are not played then they deserve to come in the top 2 because they DID play all their matches.


Because of this, I think that your scoring system is perfect as it is............


It makes people play their games which is more imprtant that winning! Otherwise you could end up with a player only playing 3 games in order to stay in that division, which isn't always fair on the others who play all their games each month.


Hope my explanation makes sense?






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From mike - 09 Sep 2008 - 08:39

All my fixtures are team based, but there are individual points too (to help determine regrading I guess).

Our individual points are:

Games Points
3-0 5-0
3-1 4-1
3-2 3-2

Thus you get a point for each game, 1 bonus if you win in 4, or 2 bonus if you win in 3. Put another way 5 points are always allocated in total for the match.

I tend to think getting no points for losing in 3 is the right thing. If you haven't managed to win a formal 'portion' of the match your opponent probably deserves maximum points for winning in straight sets.

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From jimbob1965 - 09 Sep 2008 - 08:09

Faada, the alternative scoring system you mention is the exact one we use in our league and it seems to work well, as you say rewarding the wins more heavily.  A bonus of 3 points is also awarded to both players for just playing the match.  This is a huge incentive for players to get all their games in. 

My only qualm with our scoring system is that there is no reward for coming close to taking games off opponents, e,g, losing 27-0 is no worse than losing 9-7, 9-7, 9-7.  I guess this could be difficult to administer though, but it would be good if bonus points were awarded if the loser reached a certain number of points won throughout the match.  I have played some players who are much better than me, lost 3-0 but still managed to push them all the way and it is very frustrating being rewarded with a mere 1 point (plus 3 bonus for turning up) for all that effort!



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From Adz - 09 Sep 2008 - 06:53

The leagues close to me use a system where you get 1point for turning up, one for each game one and a bonus point for winnning.

E.g. 3-0 = 5-1, walkover = 5-0, and 3-2 = 5-3

This works on the principle that players are incentivised to turn up and win as many games as possible.





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