Published: 23 Aug 2008 - 02:24 by jazzkim
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 08:20
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I am busy building a squash court. The floor is presenting the biggest challenge.
I can not seem to source the rubber/neoprene pads for the floor here in my country, so want to try something different..
One idea is to use so-called rubber insertion, 10 mm thick, underneath the floor batons.
Any ideas will be appreciated!

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From rippa rit - 16 Sep 2008 - 08:47
From rippa rit - 27 Aug 2008 - 08:52
jazzkim - to build a court would be a player's dream - good luck with it.
No doubt you have researched all aspects of the flooring construction. At this link you might get some helpful hints as many other sport's stadiums require similar flooring.
From rippa rit - 23 Aug 2008 - 08:22 - Updated: 24 Aug 2008 - 07:25
The relevant tags are up on the left.
There is a previous post discussion on court construction.
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Jazzkim - no word on how your flooring system is progressing?
Here is a link to WSF Accredited Partners and there are several flooring companys mentioned throughout the world for your info.
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