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Fitness after sickness

Published: 21 Aug 2008 - 17:20 by squash

Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 06:58

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I will have been off sick for three weeks before our local club champs start in another three weeks.  Where do I start and with what to get myself back in reasonable shape and sharpness on the court, ready for our champs? I was in relatively good nick before getting sick (bronchitis) but I will only resume training on Monday hopefully!

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From rippa rit - 21 Aug 2008 - 19:50

Unfortunately, it is said that after one week off with injury/illness will take about three weeks to get back to where you were.  You have three weeks so that could be OK for you. Read the Reversibility of fitness from the Library to give you an idea.  Take it slowly when you start off, keep warm, shower before leaving the courts, don't overdo it in that first week or you may go backwards again.  Walk on every other day, eg one heavy day, one light day.  Maybe the breakup would be best (since it is your chest that has had the infection), eg lst week skills and ghosting (that will give the opportunity to work at your own pace); 2nd week routines and restricted games; 3rd week lots of match play.

Good luck and let us know how you go.

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   Thanks Rita.  I just joined last week.  It is a super site.  Regards,

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