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Racketlon could fill our courts

Published: 22 Jul 2008 - 08:40 by rippa rit

Updated: 13 Aug 2008 - 09:59

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Last year I was impressed with this idea as it sort of fits into the general thoughts about saving our squash courts from being demolished, and replaced with churches or blocks of units, etc. Yes, this concept will not make squash champions directly, however it will allow more courts to be open for business and bring more dollars into the businesses, help publicise the sport, involve more young people, more equipment sales, more sponsorship, out of which will come more talent, etc..

This year Peter Nicol is being involved in promoting the English Racketlon World Open at Redbridge Sports and Leisure Centre. 

Let's embrace this idea as I believe it has heaps of potential.

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From rippa rit - 13 Aug 2008 - 09:55   -   Updated: 13 Aug 2008 - 09:59

I hope this Racketlon concept catches on more and more to help save our venues. Now Scottish Squash is taking it on - well done.  At least if the buildings remain there is a chance to rebuild squash and keep the game alive.

We have venues being used in our State at present that nobody wanted to use for comp a few years ago (too old, too many steps, no glass back, poor club room facilities, etc), and now those centres that remain are precious as courts are demolished.

Let's face it, once you can "make a racket" it is not too much to adapt to other racket sport.  Indoor facilities with high ceilings make great sporting venues without much trouble.  Remember Heather McKay (Blundell) was our World Champ for many years, then after being resident coach in Canada, became the Racket Ball Champion.

More food for thought for the community complexes being funded by the Councils.


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From rippa rit - 27 Jul 2008 - 08:08   -   Updated: 27 Jul 2008 - 08:09

12am - it is difficult without the facilities to promote the sport.  Usually the local authorities will back a multi-sport facility catering for the community at large, so I hope it works out for your local area.

Good work.

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From 12am - 27 Jul 2008 - 02:40

Hi, I with you on this one.....i'm trying to do my bit for racketlon in the UK , helping out & also running the facebook group: UK RACKETLON PORTAL (feel free to join). I'm also trying to promote racket sports in north devon, where I live. I have no squash courts in my local town, so I have to travel to play. I am trying to encourage the local 'racket' clubs to work together towards better facilities & I think the first place to start is upping the participation with existing facilities. Ofcourse with no squash courts that's difficult, although I have just qualified as a level 1 coach & hope to do something locally with mini squash, in sports halls, with perhaps periodic visits to proper squash courts. It also seems to me that the governing bodies are open to fund facilities if you can really demonstrate the demand & so I have also set up a badminton club in my town & will work towards getting properly accredited. With squash I will probably have to encourage a spin-off from the club I am a member of. There are some players from my town & it seems that they & the club we use are open to this in a position where membership is  increasing...which we are all working towards....  

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great tip Rita

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