Watching your opponent
Published: 07 Jul 2008 - 01:27 by Squashplayer
Updated: 25 Sep 2008 - 20:22
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Hi.Is there a special way of watching your opponent when you are playing your shots especially from the back of the court,and to also assist you with your shot selection?I heard of peripheral vision and of blind spots but I think it is only when you are watching the opponent playing his shots?How do you use peripheral vision and blind spots to your advantage?
Thank you.

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From rippa rit - 08 Jul 2008 - 08:48
From rippa rit - 07 Jul 2008 - 08:16 - Updated: 07 Jul 2008 - 16:01
The short answer, never take your eye off the ball. What? Always keep on the move and ready to readjust your positioning to get a good look at the ball squarely, not just a spec out of the corner of your eye. The more clues you can pick up on with "wide eyes" the quicker you will be to anticipate.
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If you are not turning and looking at your opponent "shaping" because you are too scared, standing too close, don't want to get hit, be sure to wear safety goggles.
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