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Smaller Racquets

Published: 04 Jul 2008 - 00:26 by doubleDOT

Updated: 06 Jul 2008 - 08:37

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Is is true that practicing with one of those old wooden racquets with a smaller head improves your shot accuracy and makes you find the centre of your racquet more often?



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From rippa rit - 06 Jul 2008 - 08:37

Mike for more strength in your forearm and wrist, some push-ups are good.   Push-ups off the knees, as well as push-ups off the finger tips are also recommended.  If you want, pushing off the wall is also OK (stand about a metre from the wall, keep your back straight, use your toes to take you forward). Squeezing a squash ball is helpful for the fingers/gripping.



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From mike - 05 Jul 2008 - 15:34

Fair point from Rita and Ray. I do use a wooden racquet from time to time, but I don't try and achieve the same power that a modern racquet naturally offers. I think just practising your desired grip and technique with the heavier racquet can help with strength.

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From raystrach - 05 Jul 2008 - 13:29

so long as you don't get tennis elbow before you get the extra practice required!

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From rippa rit - 04 Jul 2008 - 08:32   -   Updated: 04 Jul 2008 - 08:43

There has been a previous post about old wooden rackets.

Use one if it works for you and you do not get too frustrated with it.  Mind you, be careful not to get a sore elbow from trying to wack the ball too hard too often.  Personally I would prefer to concentrate on the skills with a modern racket.  Would one of those old wooden rackets stand a new restring?

Just been scanning around the article archives and found another post about training racket.

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From mike - 04 Jul 2008 - 08:25   -   Updated: 04 Jul 2008 - 08:36

Yep. You have to watch the ball and take care with your swing to get a good result, so it forces for care from you. The extra weight can also build hand strength.

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.I was playing squash about four times a MONTH.Now I´am on the court about four times a WEEK.I´am playing league at my squashclub.I can feel (and my opponents too

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