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World No. 4 David Palmer in trouble with WSF

Published: 26 Jan 2005 - 22:14 by drop-shot

Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 09:53

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Hello everybody, I just wanted to tell you how shocked I am after reading such a news. I take it as another lesson. Whatever level player you are (World top 10 or simply the guy who loves to squash), you should remain the human being with respect to the other people and humility to your job (in David's case it is squash). One year from now on he can't play in any official tournaments. It means - ZERO points achieved to improve his standings ... But maybe it's good for him to chill out a bit and try to learn how to hold his nerves. And how to keep his mouth shut while playing. I assume he started the quarrel after one or two wrong calls from referee. I wish to see this game on the net somewhere. It's going to be bestseller.

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From msc - 23 Mar 2005 - 03:29

I agree with rpaulos - the Ref needs to take a stand early on, particularly in the big tournaments. Follow the conduct warning code so the player gets warned, then loses a point, then a game if the player persists, and finally a match. If the player hasn't "got it" after losing a point in such a way they can at least have an indication - once their head has cooled - of where they went wrong/at which point they overstepped the conduct line. Then if the ref awards the match to the opponent under bad circumstances the player has only lost a single match and the player will likely avoid the type of extra penalty imposed on David Palmer...maybe he was having a really stressful time off the court who knows? But he would likely have appreciated it more in hindsight if the Ref had made it clear the behaviour was completely unacceptable at the time instead of referring it on to the powers that be. My two bobs worth anyway...

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From drop-shot - 21 Mar 2005 - 20:03

Just or unjust is not a question. They made the decision and it should not be debatable. What Palmer did does not "fit" to the sportsmen and human being. Even losing a match or point does not allow you to act like totally mad, angry devil. Fine would be fine enough but as I understand it, they really wanted to punish him a lot to show to the other players that any behaviour abusing referee or whomever won't be tolerated. Fair enough. And i do not want to know if this is real Palmer or not. He is a great player and I do enjoy watching him playing. But as Rita said, "if the behaviour was so bad, 2 calls would have ended the match and the rest would be history." that's all.
so, i found the fault split in between palmer and ref.

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From billyb - 19 Mar 2005 - 12:12

The WSF's reaction is unjust. Denying a pro from playing in tournaments is too extreme. My info is that he was verbally abusive and he beat up a chair. Would not a severe fine have been more in order? Is this normal behaviour for Palmer?

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From rippa rit - 27 Jan 2005 - 07:57

Authorities have been shaking their heads about player's behaviour for ever. When will Referees take a stand? The Code of Conduct rule is very specific, and is there to assist the Ref keep the match/players under control. From my involvement over many years in National competition the majority of matches are refereed by the players ('cos they say they know best) who are reluctant to, or unsure of their rights in terms of the rules, and DO NOT make unpopular calls, eg "Conduct Warning", "Conduct Stroke", "Conduct Game", "Conduct Match".

My question is, if the behaviour was so bad, 2 calls would have ended the match and the rest would be history.

Further question, when will the authorities, eg WSF, PSA etc. insist top players pass their Referee paper? This could only assist the players, the game, the Referee. To sit for a Referee paper only takes a couple of hours at most.

A thought, David Palmer will have plenty of time to reflect now, and devote to reading the rule book. Do it David!

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From drop-shot - 27 Jan 2005 - 03:29

Hi there,
So, probably we know different David then, as I remember him playing here in Europe few years ago (still as a Junior), and behaving really rude to the other players. But anyway, I saw a lot of games from him (i.e. British open) and he was okay - tough on the court, but focused on game not quarreling with ref. Gaultier is for me the most "volnureable" guy on court. You can not really stay closer than one meter from him because his yelling for let already :-)))

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From raystrach - 26 Jan 2005 - 23:43

dear slavi
although it is a few years since i have seen david, i used to know him quite well. i always thought he was a true sportsman. he must have been very upset to behave as he did as his behaviour is totally out of the character that i know. i cannot even guess as to what it might be that upset him so much.

just a note: the ban only applies to wsf events not the ordinary psa tour events.

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