Squash stats
Published: 26 Jun 2008 - 20:36 by inthenik
Updated: 29 Jun 2008 - 07:54
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does anybody have any stats for a game of squash
things like how fast the ball travels in an average game
how far you will run in an anvergae game
things like this and if poss for both the professional and ameture players
iv been looking for ages so hopefully you guys can help me here
thanks guys

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From rippa rit - 29 Jun 2008 - 07:54
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Looks like I have already done a bit of research on the speed topic. I am still looking for a research stats paper from our National Coaching Director. So, if and when it is available I will post it up.
Meantime, here is a previous post "Need for Speed" which gives you a bit of statistical info.
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