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Rachael Grinham to Lift Form

Published: 19 Jan 2005 - 07:37 by rippa rit

Updated: 19 Jan 2005 - 08:32

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Squash Australia reports that Rachael Grinham is set to return to the form that took her to the top of the WISPA rankings in August 2004.

Grinham returned to Australia for Christmas and said "I actually felt like I was playing better before I became No. 1 - I was playing the best squash of my career in the first half of 2004".

Grinham is based in Cairo and will return to a tough training regime under Coach, Maha Zein. Rachael has a goal "to hold No. 1 ranking for the year".

Although she was able to capture the British Open for the secnd year running, she was unable to win 3 of the biggest events at the end of the year including the World Open.

The spokesman for Squash Australia said that Ms Grinham expects her form slide to be reversed, powered by some rest and training.

She will start her 2005 program at the Kuwait Open skipping the Tournament of Champions in New York .squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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