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Published: 22 May 2008 - 23:44 by doubleDOT

Updated: 25 May 2008 - 08:20

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Hello Everyone,

I've been practising court movement recently and there's something I'm a bit confused about. The following website has an article by Chris Walker on court movement.:

Notice the lines indicating the movement to the front and back corners; they go straight off the T before bending out. Well, I compared this to some videos of professional players and I noticed that they don't move in an arc to the front and back corners. They go diagonally direct to the corner the ball lands in.

Should I move diagonally in my ghosting sessions or form an arc?


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From rippa rit - 25 May 2008 - 08:20

Here is a previous article on "Open and Closed Stance" and from the diagrams you can see the approach to the ball a lot clearer, eg straight to the ball, or side on approach. 

It is easy to see from these diagrams that going straight to the ball will almost certainly promote a closed stance.  Also by going side on you can sort of track the ball as it moves within the court , and at the same time, positioning yourself for the hit.   Once you take the closed stance approach you are virtually committed to hit the ball immediately.


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From aprice1985 - 24 May 2008 - 02:19

I have been taught recently that it is best to arc in to the ball in the front especially when it is a boast or cross court type shot.  I find that this gives me more room around the ball and i dont get caught in  close too often, wiht good reach you can get to the balls that squirt out a bit more.

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From adam_pberes - 23 May 2008 - 23:59

Ahhhkay. that WOULD make more sense.
But would they really be chasing if they were on the T?
Cause I was reading it as like, a rally up and down the wall.

And why isnt this taught in the coaching seminars then, as (whoever the coach was that deos them, he's a level 3 coach) (in australia) demonstrated movement with matt karwalski, and movement for both players was basically on the same line. staright to the ball, and straight back to the T. They demonstrated at first just ghosting, but then they performed it with racquet and ball, and it seemed to wrok fine for them, even if the ball did come out a bit.

But they didnt exactly go straight for the corner, they kinda headed for a point on the back wall a few feet off the side wall.

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From rippa rit - 23 May 2008 - 20:14

I read this to mean a player chasing a ball, from the centre court, to either the front or back corner. 


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From adam_pberes - 23 May 2008 - 11:09

It is the Ideal way, but what good is it to basically anyone playing  at club level, because it normally works in reverse at club level, and if one player tried doing it this way, and the opponent in revers, it wouldnt really work out well.

And also, if you move back, then across, AND behind the opponent, does this mean that you are letting the ball come back, instead of trying to take it early/intercept it?

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From rippa rit - 23 May 2008 - 09:01

Yes, that is quite a good article and sets it up in an ideal world where everyone is coming from the centre of the court (T). It is a very simple explanation on how not to run straight into the ball, when moving from the T (and at the same time going around your opponent).  Once again, look at the key points of movement to the ball:

  • Avoid interference with your opponent
  • Prepare early
  • Keep away from the ball allowing sufficient room to lunge and swing.
  • Keep away from the walls and corners.
  • Feet positioning relative to the side wall.

If you draw a line joining those arrows together in the diagram in the link you gave, making a rectangle (a court within the court) that is basically what the pros do and move within that rectangle.  Yep, they do cut corners, they are in a hurry, they can also squirt around their opponent gracefully without asking for a let.  They must end up in a position relative to the side wall or they would not be able to hit their down the wall shots accurately without some other technique adjustment. 

Whilst all players want to position themselves correctly for the shot so much depends on their agility, speed, fluency of movement, judgment, anticipation, armoury of strokes, etc.

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.I was playing squash about four times a MONTH.Now I´am on the court about four times a WEEK.I´am playing league at my squashclub.I can feel (and my opponents too

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