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Hopes High for Olympic Squash 2012

Published: 13 Jan 2005 - 10:00 by raystrach

Updated: 14 Nov 2008 - 07:29

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Outgoing World Squash Federation (WSF) CEO, Ted Walbutton, has expressed his optimism for the debut of Squash on the Olympic Games program in 2012. Although Squash is one of the "recognised sports" in the queue for Olympic selection, it has recently been selected with 4 other sports to be "studied further" with a view to inclusion on the 2012 games.

Mr. Walbutton said that this was the most positive news in 25 years of trying to gain Olympic status. He said that Squash had met the 33 criteria set by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and now had truly global popularity.

Another indicator of the strong credentials of Squash was the visit by IOC President, Jacques Rogge, to the Squash competition during the recent Commonwealth Games in Manchester, one of only two sports he visited. The Olympics is now the only major multi-sport games that Squash is not played in.

Before taking up a post wih the Professional Squash Association (PSA), Mr. Walbutton said that while not on the Olympic program yet, the IOC had recognised that Squash has the capabilities to be there. Combined with the fact that Squash would be a relatively inexpensive sport to run during the Games, it is apparent the he believes that Squash is the front runner as a new inclusion in the 2012 Games.

I am sure I speak for all Squash enthusiasts when I say that "I hope that he's right!"

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From rippa rit - 14 Nov 2008 - 07:25   -   Updated: 14 Nov 2008 - 07:29

Jahangir Khan introduces the new President of the WSF to the Olympic Committee.  The top players pledge their support. with seven sports short-listed for inclusion.

Barack Obama the new President of the United States, and his family are squash player, and his keen interest may have some influence in the future.

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From rippa rit - 25 Apr 2008 - 08:05

Here is an article from WSF regarding "Squash on IOC Short list to 2016 Olympics Games".

If they keep chipping away at the IOC hopefully something will happen in the future for the sport.


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From rippa rit - 21 Mar 2008 - 08:20

More on the progress of the WSF on the Olympics.

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From rippa rit - 19 Mar 2008 - 07:17   -   Updated: 20 Mar 2008 - 07:44

Remember there were some heated words about this topic some time back, and thoughts were expounded about why squash was not making the Olympics.  The UK did up a squash e-petition for UK players.  Here is a reply to that e-petition


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