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Squashsite action gallery

Published: 11 May 2008 - 08:22 by rippa rit

Updated: 12 May 2008 - 20:21

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I just love to go through the gallery and see the action shots of the players.

For those trying to make sense of the shots, just look for the key words we often go on about when explaining the strokes, eg open racket face, lunging and get under the ball, early racket preparation, lay the racket head back, point the butt of the racket towards the ball, clear the ball, etc.....and there are also several things not recommended, eg racket head down by the knees when waiting for the opponent to hit the ball.

The agility, flexibility and athleticism in squash is such a great work out.


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From mike - 12 May 2008 - 20:21

Good to see Palmer in the final, with Wilstrop who apparently played exceptionally well against Thierry.

My bet is that Wilstrop will win in four.


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Hi Rita and Ray, I just want to express my word of thanks.Founding your website in December totally revalued my attitude towards the game

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