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Sixes Not Singles

Published: 09 May 2008 - 16:44 by raystrach

Updated: 09 May 2008 - 16:48

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For those unfamiliar with the game of Cricket, a big milestone for a batter is to score a century or 100 runs in an innings. Equally, for Australian batters,  they try to avoid getting out on 87 runs (or 13 runs short of the century target). It is therefore with some relief that I am creating this 88th Raystrach blog thus avoiding the embarrassment of having it stuck on 87.

To keep the cricketing analogy going, you will also be pleased to learn that I intend to bring up the century with sixes, not singles, meaning that the remaining 12 posts will be made in pretty quick time, not scored laboriously like the previous 12 were made.

You will also be happy to hear that a number of improvements will be made to the squashgame website over the coming weeks, that we have been promising ourselves and our members for some time. You may have noticed a couple already.

The reason for this sudden burst of energy?

I have finally made a permanent move from Brisbane to Hervey Bay, a provincial city on the Queensland coast about 4 hours drive from Brisbane. Previously I had been driving to and fro on a weekly basis over the past few months. The bay itself is partially formed by Fraser Island, the worlds biggest sand island and a World Heritage listed area.  Check it out here

And now down to the business of Squash.

My Squash has been pretty ordinary of late, maily because I have not had any quality court time, but I do hold some hope of gaining some form in the not too distant future. There are a number of reasonable players in the area, most of them under 30 years of age, so that should help me build up my fitness. I have played them all, with mixed success, maily due to a lack of fitness. There have been a few situations where I have been in a strong winning position only to fall in a very big heap.

Also, being here permanently means that I am not playing immediately after making the 4 hour trip north, something that I have done on quite a few occasions. It is not great for your Squash!

I am looking forward to making a contribution in improving the quality of Squash of the enthusiasts up here, just as I tried to do in Gympie just a couple of hours south of here. There is a definite lack of expertise in these relatively small places simply because they have not been exposed to the volume and variety of quality players and experience that I have had in Brisbane, where the AIS has been based for the past 25 years or so.

In the meantime, keep one eye on the British Open and the other on, because there will be action over the coming weeks.

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