Dunlop MuscleWeave Custom Tour
Published: 05 May 2008 - 22:58 by scar
Updated: 05 Jun 2008 - 03:37
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Ladies and Gents,
I wonder if any of you remember the Dunlop Muscleweave custom tour from the good old days? It was the one with interchangeable handles for head light/even/heavy balance.
Any memories of how it worked for any of you - playability and durability? Was it as good as the Muscleweave Pro?
Any memories/feedback will be helpful.

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From scar - 05 Jun 2008 - 03:37 - Updated: 05 Jun 2008 - 03:37
From bosartek - 05 Jun 2008 - 03:13 - Updated: 05 Jun 2008 - 03:16
I have never played with the custom myself, so I can't really say. Assuming the interchangeable handle-system does not affect the playability of the racquet itself (i.e. if the frame feels as solid as it would with a normal/integrated handle), it should be comparable to the regular MW Tour (or Pro, depending on which handle you use)... at least in theory.
That said, I would suspect that there is indeed a different feel to the racquet. The relative balance (head-light, even, etc.) might be correct, but the actual total-weight of the racquet is probably different. If you were desperately looking to replace an old MW Pro and the price is low enough, you might give the custom a try (especially if you can demo it). Personally, I would just go with the 05/06 Hotmelt Pro (white and grey color), an excellent racquet all around. The Hotmelt is fairly inexpensive ($79 US) and still widely available. Ultimately, it all comes down to your own preference, but you can't go wrong with the Hotmelt.
Adz, you beat me to the post by one minute!!!
From Adz - 05 Jun 2008 - 03:12
Ha ha! Nothing was as good as the muscleweave pro (except maybe the inferno pro!), but that's only my opinion on them.
Racquets are different for different people, and as chance would have it I had to restring a Custom Tour about 2 weeks ago. Felt a bit head heavy to me, but then the guy could have been using the lightest handle with only a single grip fitted.
I think for many people the interchangeable handles became a bit of a gimmick. Once you'd changed them the first time you didn't tend to alter to another one, so you might as well of saved yourself the extra and spent some time getting the weighting / gripping right on a normal Dunlpo racquet!
If you're being offered a choice of which one to get then I'd go for the Muscleweave Pro everytime, but then as I said earlier, that's only my personal opinion.
Hope it helps!
From scar - 05 Jun 2008 - 00:19 - Updated: 05 Jun 2008 - 00:19
Do you guys have an opinion?
Anyone else aware of these, would appreciate any info.
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