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Help Please

Published: 12 Jan 2005 - 02:00 by egyptianstick69

Updated: 13 Jan 2005 - 20:15

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I need 3 new lessons for my squash class so please if anybody has any lessons plaese send them to me as soon as possible i need them by thursday 13,2204

send to :

Thank you
Bernard squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From rippa rit - 13 Jan 2005 - 20:15

I was just looking at Library, tab Strokes & Movement, that section would be worth a peep too, and the graphics are quite descriptive, and it certainly would compliment the content in Getting Started. Take your pick!

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From rippa rit - 13 Jan 2005 - 07:39

Thanks Bernard for the extra details. You should be able to do three relaxed lessons with 10 courts for the group. Lesson plans will be in our next web development stage, however I will try to guide you through the existing site to research the info that will be helpful to put the lessons together. Here we go:-
1. Scope of the 3 lessons (Refer to Library How to Play) - eg 1st Wk. If the players are a bit anxious just let them have a 10min skills warmup to start with before going into the specifics, and they should relax. Explain why stretching is important. Skills Forehand Drive, Backhand Drive, Serve; 2nd Wk Revise 1st Wk plus look at Return of Serve, Simple Rules; 3rd Wk Revision and deal with any problems students have, plus How to Score, Play a Round Robin.
2. Format - Introduction (Welcome, Explain the structure of the lesson, and the scope, use of Whistle for instruction and grouping.) Divide the lessons into about 5/6 blocks eg
Intro, warmups, demonstration/explanation, skills practice,
grouping/grading, game play, Conclusion/summary.
3. How to find the info for the lesson, use the Library, eg Click tab How to Play and the tabs will have most of what is needed for the 3 lessons.
Click Preparation/Stretches or Warmup Activities for ideas.
Skills go to How to Play - see the strokes, simple rules, scoring.
Solo Drills - Click Library, tab drills/routines.
I hope this has been helpful. You will get better the more experience you get with planning.
My tip is to let the students know exactly what you expect of them, the whistle will be used to regroup/regrade or change things during the lesson, Coach will be moving from court to court to give assistance, questions will be answered during the regrouping times. Allow time to play as skills practice does get boring.
Hope you can understand my ideas. Good luck with your task.

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From egyptianstick69 - 13 Jan 2005 - 01:24

To answer all the qestions
1. length of lesson 75 min
2. Group 15 to 20 kids
3. 10 courts being used
4. standerd play they can hit the ball
5. they don't play competation
6. about beginner
7. no
8. 15 to 17 years of age
9. yes
10. it is a one of 3 lesson series
11. no this is volenteer

Thank you
Bernard (I need the lessons if possible by the jan 13 2005)

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From rippa rit - 12 Jan 2005 - 12:02

To be able to be of any assistance we would need to know a bit more about the proposed lessons:
1. Length of the lesson
2. Group or individual
3. No. of courts being used
4. Standard of play. Can they hit the ball.
5. Do they play competition.
6. How long have they played the game.
7. Have they been coached before.
8. How old are the players.
9. Do you have a coaching certificate and know the basic structure of a coaching lesson.
10.Is this a one off session or a series of lessons.
11.Are you being paid to do a professional coaching job.

Thanks for your query. These answers will help both of us know how to go about the design of the lesson.

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