serving question
Published: 02 May 2008 - 20:21 by melleishman
Updated: 25 Sep 2008 - 20:26
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Hi all
Could someone help please? When you serve - can the ball, unless volleyed, hit the side or back wall before bouncing in the opposing players back quadrant for it to be a good serve?? We have been playing for a while where if the ball hits the side ot back wall before bouncing, the player loses the serve. I play regularly with 2 different players and neither of them are sure.
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From mike - 02 May 2008 - 22:34
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Yes, it is perfectly acceptable for the ball to hit the back or side wall before bouncing. The serve is good.
It's usually best to avoid hitting the back wall before bouncing, but this is a tacical issue and not related to the rules.
A serve is good if:
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