Feel Sick on Court!
Published: 13 Jan 2005 - 06:43 by rippa rit
Updated: 16 Dec 2008 - 07:22
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Nothing feels worse than wanting to be sick on court, and to think your dinner is in your chest! The food feels undigested, the gut heavy. Many a person has "chundered" after the first or second game. Yuk! Why is this so?
The pre-game meal is very important.
- It can mean your energy is going into your stomach to digest the food when it should be going to your limbs.
- The time of the meal and what can be eaten depends on how much time is available before the match.
- Let's look at a rough time frame for meals before play, eg
- 4 hours before.....have a normal hot meal.
- 2 hours before ....a light salad (limit fat) or sandwich.
- 1 hour before......a banana.
- 10 minutes before..a glass of water.
- If you are working hard all day and not able to take time to have a good solid meal the day of play, and allowing the 4/5 hour time lapse, be sure to have a solid meal the night before, eg pasta, spaghetti.
- It is important to hydrate before, during and after the match (with water of course!).

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From Daren - 24 Feb 2007 - 19:43
From drop-shot - 13 Apr 2005 - 02:37
Specific menu of a day - please - 5.15 AM wake up, 5. 25 espresso and glass of water. 5.40 AM - fruit coctail based on yoghurt. Then till training I do drink water. After the training I do stretch to warm-down. Then sauna, shower and breakfast at club - scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, whatever without bread ;-)
Speaking about Weekend tournaments, everything looks the same with one difference. The day before I have strong caloric bombastic meal in the afternoon. To let myself digest but really got some strength. During the tournament i do eat small energy bars or if I have longer break inbetween the matches- pasta. I hope I covered everything here :)
From rippa rit - 12 Apr 2005 - 07:59
From drop-shot - 11 Apr 2005 - 23:56
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