Racket choice
Published: 30 Apr 2008 - 08:00 by gash
Updated: 30 Apr 2008 - 09:24
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6 years ago I stopped playing squash due to work/family commitments and a dodgy elbow. Unsurprisingly my fitness faded and I put on a couple of stone. To cut a long story short I have got myself slightly fitter and am planning to pick up the sport once more. I was playing to club team level and would say I was a decent player. I need to buy myself a decent raquet but I don't know what's currently on the market. I would welcome any suggestions. Thanks

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From rippa rit - 30 Apr 2008 - 09:24
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gash - I have put a heading on your post so the key words pick up other posts which will be of interest to your topic. By putting the cursor over "relevant content" (the column on the left of the page) you will see many article reviews on rackets, which come through the Gear Forum.
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