Op Telic Squash Court!!!
Published: 24 Apr 2008 - 22:11 by boardyeti
Updated: 25 Apr 2008 - 20:40
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I am pretty new to this whole forum thing, but though I would give it a go.
I am a Royal Engineer serving in Germany and just about to go on Op Telic 12 to Iraq (my fifth tour). In previous years a swimming pool and climbing wall have been built during this period, but this year I am proposing the building of two quash courts at the COB. The only problem being, that although i regularly play squash, I am not sure of the technical court design and layout needed in order to build from scratch. The build will be constructed out of Hesco (a common building material), plaster board (screeded) and wood (obviously) in the middle of the dessert, or near enough.
Any help would be appreciated, especially architectual drawing plans of squash courts.

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From Adz - 25 Apr 2008 - 20:40
From boardyeti - 25 Apr 2008 - 19:25
Fantastic, just what I needed.
Thanks for your help.
Lets hope my rendering sets when its 50 degrees in the shade
From rippa rit - 25 Apr 2008 - 08:20
Here is the link to the WSF who give detailed Specifications/Diagrams for Squash Courts.
By emailing WSF they will be able to advise the cost of specifications, etc that will be helpful in your project.
Here is a link to forum discussions about building a court for private use.
Good luck.
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With you being an engineer I'm sure you already know this, but normal plastering won't be suitable for the walls due to the impacts of the ball and racquets. On squash courts they tend to use a very high impact plaster that normally costs a fortune.
Also would suggest looking at a sprung floor as solid floors will lead to injuries. Just a few ideas that might be worth looking at!
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