Why do our Aussies go?
Published: 22 Apr 2008 - 08:17 by rippa rit
Updated: 23 Apr 2008 - 09:04
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What a spectacular venue for the Kuwait Open.
With prizemoney overseas so attractive, and with the Kuwait Open coming up with a record $200,000 that easily explains why our top players from Aussie have to chase the big bucks and reside overseas.
Yes, they love to come home in the off-season for a holiday, but probably leave their racket in the suit case, which is, of course, not much use to our striving champions back in Australia. Fierce competition and regular good weekly matches is the only way to really bring the players through, as well as give them the incentive to keep striving for excellence.
It seems the less action in a country, the less popular the sport, the least amount of money spent, the more difficult to get good sponsorship, the less media attention, and so it goes on all the way down the line.
Pity about that when we have the talent.

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From rippa rit - 23 Apr 2008 - 09:01 - Updated: 23 Apr 2008 - 09:04
From Viper - 22 Apr 2008 - 17:15
Are they, if not why are they not required to participate in matches back here as part of their AIS funding ?
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Not all our players are AIS supported. Yes, they have been in their past, but as soon as they can earn a living overseas they no longer require AIS assistance, and that cuts the cord. . I am not too familiar with who is who and what is what, however there are part time scholarships and full time scholarships, and partially assisted players.
The full time scholarship holders are taken on tour funded by the AIS to various states, and nearby countries, for experience. That is far far cry from playing a regular league against pros, and at the same time being sponsored, or paid for so much a win and loss, etc. like it has been in the past, eg the 1980's.
Read Squash Aust Regulation 49
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