Which Dunlop racket?
Published: 21 Apr 2008 - 07:20 by andybrown28
Updated: 08 May 2008 - 03:49
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Hello all!
I need some advice, if you wouldn't mind, on buying a squash racket. I've been playing a few months now with a borrowed Wilson racket. Pretty heavy but OK. I'd like to get my own but don't want to end up with one I don't want.
I've seen a couple that I think might be quite good. I've seen a Dunlop Powermax Graphite (£25) which felt OK I think in the shop. But I've also seen a Dunlop Hot Melt C-Max Carbon on the web for £33. This seems like a 'better' racket but I don't know if it'll be better for me. Any ideas?
I'm after something with some feel. I played with someone's Unsquashable Y-TEC 690 Ti which was powerful compared to what I was used to but I couldn't feel the ball. I kept missing dropshots. Its not the sort of racket I'm after.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

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From Fer - 08 May 2008 - 03:49
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First, make an idea of me to see if consider my opinion!: I've been playing squash the last 5 years, twice at week.
I've only had Dunlop rackets, 4 imodels n total, 3 for Middle players (C-Max carbon 500 / C-max titanium 525 / 2 units of BlackMax Carbon 520 ) one for Advances players (Hot Melt Pro 470)
And really the only I don't like is the 'Pro' (probably cause I'm not a Advaced player) but sure cause is too light so I feel more inluence of the ball speed against me, if I don't hit the ball with the center the hit bend my hand. Now I see the Ice Elite, I like but I didn't dare...
My favourite is the Blackmax Carbon 520 (now I have my 2nd one)
So for me the important is not if the racket is better...
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