help with opponents
Published: 10 Apr 2008 - 15:01 by rskting
Updated: 25 Sep 2008 - 13:27
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W're very even, and i need to beat him in a tournament next week. He hits good length and kills alot of balls by hitting very low and hard. My strategy to beat him is to hit unconventional shots every so often, as well as the conventional stuff (gooddrives, time to get back to the T, etc.) So I am not looking for the conventional, but if anyone has unconventional shots they have seen, let me know...i.e. philadelphia shot, hit it right at them, head fakes, you know, the exhibition stuff. give me a list!

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From sloejp - 25 Sep 2008 - 13:27
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how's your touch game? you could go for more drop shots, flicks after you bring your opponent to front court, volleys into the nick and the trickle boast.
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