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Grinham Girls Power On

Published: 04 Jan 2005 - 09:55 by raystrach

Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 09:55

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Please excuse us at for being excited about the success of the Grinham girls. Rachael has played in Junior Tournaments in Queensland, Australia,(our local area) as a wee girl, 11 years old, so had an early start to squash. She participated in Rita's State talent squads from an early age. She was athletic, and loved to play drop shots. She always had the spark and talent to take her far. I can attest to Rachael's talent when she gave me a complete thrashing in competition. (At the time I was a little overweight and she was WR about 30. That's another to the list of champions I have been thrashed by although the first by a female!) Natalie was behind Rachael, and followed her big sister around. Rita tells me her early impressions were that she had a good "head" under pressure which, when competing, compensated for her lack of skill and fitness at her first Australian Junior Championship. I admit to not believing she would succeed in her early years a the AIS. I am glad she proved me wrong. It seems that once Natalie took it into her "head" to lift her game, and dedicate herself to squash, she accelerated closely behind Rachael. Good effort girls.

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