how open the racket face
Published: 02 Apr 2008 - 06:09 by BKsquash
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 17:37
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Ever since I started squash i've always wondered how open the racket face should be on the forehand. Ive seen some players open the racket face a lot, and some who keep it straight neither opening or closing it. My question is, how open should it be on the forehand, and are there different situations where you should open the racket face more?
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From rippa rit - 02 Apr 2008 - 07:53 - Updated: 02 Apr 2008 - 08:32
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Open Racket Face
BK that is a good question, and very important to understand to progress in the game.
Here is the Squash Library link which relates to the technique. There is Gold member content and some video also showing the use of the open face racket. The open face racket is also about the angle of the lift. The open face racket is also about creating power in the swing with the pronation/supination in the drive.
In short, the open face shots are drop shots, boasts and lobs. See details of the strokes at this link Squash Library/Strokes Movement.
The open face keeps the ball above the "tin", especially when the ball is lower than the tin when striking.
You must have the correct grip to develop good swinging technique.
Take a good read of the Squash Library on the Home Page for more info.
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