Some old video clips
Published: 29 Mar 2008 - 08:22 by rippa rit
Updated: 03 Apr 2008 - 05:21
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After watching these videos I felt I had done my morning's exercise.
Z Vids from squashsite shows some not so boring footage of very long intense rallies of Jansher Khan with various opponents like Chris Dittmar and Brett Martin. They call Peter Nicol "the boss" in his series.
Most of these rallies are gut wrenching as the players twist and turn and dive to recover balls that look nearly impossible to recover. Each player does get to the T but does not stay there long enough to get settled!
Enjoy - pity about the quality.

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From nickhitter - 03 Apr 2008 - 05:21
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these are just links to Youtube videos
they download faster and look slightly better on the proper site
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