Nationals on TV Manchester
Published: 23 Mar 2008 - 07:56 by rippa rit
Updated: 24 Mar 2008 - 07:18
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This is a good change in terms of voice-over. A more specific commentary is what I think is very educational for the public too.

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From rippa rit - 24 Mar 2008 - 07:18
From aprice1985 - 23 Mar 2008 - 23:25
I have to say i felt that either of the ladies could have taken it if they had steadied their game, begun playing better defensivly and just concentrated on getting good width and not playing too many crosscourts. Compared to the last match i watched, a replay of Cassie Jackman v Vannessa Atkinson, it was a bit dissapointing, that match had great volleys, attacking play with both players looking aggressive and wanting to win, same in the British open highlights i was talking about. Both were hand in hand out scoring which is meant to be more defensive.
With regard to commentary i just felt they could have had a bit more emotion and expanded a bit at pointing out when the players didn't press the advantage so well or when a good defensive shot is played as these are things that are less obvious to the un-initiated.
From rippa rit - 23 Mar 2008 - 20:09
arthur - you made me watch that whole thing through, oops!
The ladies played a very typical squash match I thought. Alot of the same. The ladies are 11 and 12 ranked so were pretty evenly matched. The top 4 in ladies seem to stand out more with variety, tenacity, speed, skill and really that is probably what the difference is.
The commentary for the women, well I guess it was hard to say much more than what was in front of you. Much the same speed, not alot of attacking shots attempted, pace was about the same from both for the whole match, the loser did not seem to change anything, think I saw one volley, saw a few lets which I did not like too much and good players would have tried to avoid by chasing the ball. The ladies need to work on their game.
From aprice1985 - 23 Mar 2008 - 10:28
Great to see some squash on TV but without wanting to sound nasty, the commentators for the ladies match didn't seem to be the most enthusiastic, get a bit of passion or interest going! On a more serious note it was intersting to see how the ladies didn't appear to my untrained eye to get such good width, more balls squirting off the side wall, also they played with less confidence in their attack than the men, more openings were hit defensivly. I wonder if this is because the mens match was between 2 who were or are top 1/2 in the world whereas the ladies was down at 9/10. I remember watching the highlights of the british open about 3-4 years ago and I couldnt see much difference between the mens and ladies.
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I agree, to have a commentary that is about the play, and what is happening on court is far more interesting, and also makes the rallies better to watch, and also makes boring rallies seem a bit shorter to view.
In the interview Walters said she had tried to do something different like play a few more dropshots, and the commentary did not mention that change in tactics.
A bit more imagination would be better. Maybe they should get a coach to try the commentary stuff to see if they can jazz up the match a bit, where they can sort of pull the players apart a bit more, like they do in least pointing out to the viewers that a shift in tactics can make a big difference to the result of the match.
That explanation at the beginning by Grant was a good idea too so the public understand what is going on within the context of the rules.
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