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Free web server software for squash boxes?

Published: 18 Mar 2008 - 05:07 by barbeluk1

Updated: 23 Mar 2008 - 23:18

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Hi everyone,

I'm new here so apologies if this is the wrong place to post.

I've just taken on the management of the boxes in my local sport center and I'm keen to make the whole thing a little more vibrant. I'm keen to get the boxes live on the web and wonder if there's any free software out there that manages for you?



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From raystrach - 23 Mar 2008 - 23:18

you could try

whether their system suits you or not is another matter. later in the year i will be launching a grading wesite which will enable you to manage simple competitions. check back towards the end of the yearof you are still looking.

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From barbeluk1 - 20 Mar 2008 - 05:03


Thanks for the replies. I'm afraid I'm not talking about court booking though.

By 'boxes' I mean leagues of players at my sport center. Each box has around 6 players in and each player plays the others in their league or box once every month. The two with the most points move up to the next box, the two with the least drop down.

This company do what I'm after but they charge for it:




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From raystrach - 19 Mar 2008 - 07:47   -   Updated: 19 Mar 2008 - 08:00

it's good to see you know what is going on , mike!

andy, my smartspace site does have a free version which enables online booking. the free version is pretty basic and you can upgrade any time to the paid version (this has a free trial which runs for up to two months) at any time. if you decide to take advantage of the trial, but decide it is not worth it, you cancel your subscription, then you automatically get taken back to the free version. i presume by "boxes" your mean "courts"

in any case, it can handle any type of bookable resources. just go to and follow the instructions - you will need to register personally first, log in, then create your trader account. it takes about 15minutes or less  to get your basic set up completed for the free version.

let me know if you have any problems or questions - you could also use the trader forum on the site to settle problems.

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From mike - 18 Mar 2008 - 11:13

What's a box?

Like a booking slot for the courts? If so Ray has created the booking system.

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