Forum discussion
Published: 24 Feb 2008 - 15:27 by rippa rit
Updated: 25 Feb 2008 - 18:36
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If there is any inappropriate discussion in the forum, topic gets out of hand, does not relate to the subject matter, etc. or whatever, there will be no option but to "unpublish".
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From Viper - 25 Feb 2008 - 18:36
From raystrach - 25 Feb 2008 - 14:45
One comment i failed to include in my post below refers to editing replies...
I agree with you edmund that radically changing posts or replies after the event is not acceptable. The ability to edit replies and posts is purely to enable users to tidy up spelling, grammar or to perhaps to rephrase a point that was made.
From raystrach - 25 Feb 2008 - 08:49 - Updated: 25 Feb 2008 - 08:51
hi edmund
this is a moderated forum. whilst we try our best to let everyone have their say and express their own personal point of view, we reserve the right to apply the rules to which everyone agrees to when joining up to this website and when using the forum.
Every person has the right to argue their point. However, when that argument decends into personal abuse or flaming, just because others do not agree to their point of view, we have no choice but to unpublish the post or to delete comments which we find to contravene our very simple rules.
To put into a context I am sure you will understand, we as moderators are the referees and from time to time we have to make decisions that some posters do not like. They can either get on with participating in the forum having accepted the referees decision or they can behave badly by throwing their proverbial racket and abusing the referee.
It is up to each individual to decide which action they will take.
I will make the point to you edmund, that you would do best by
- arguing your point clearly
- sticking to the topic.
- being respectful of other opinions
Others will either accept or reject your arument.
Those who resort to personal attacks will not convince anyone of their point of view if they behave in exactly the same way as those players who apparently behave badly when getting a decision they do not like.
On your allegation that we have made you look foolish by unpublishing the post, once you cool down, you may wish to thank us for withdrawing the post in question. If I had posted it, I would be clearly embarrassed by it.
It is up to all participants in this forum to approach things in the right spirit.
From edmpnd1961 - 25 Feb 2008 - 00:25
U guys are a shame .
Stevo and ur self have no right to change subject after we reply and make me look like a fool on my post.
I demand an apology and u erase irt too.
What r u guys up to and not this posst abt inapproprite subjects .
Wkae up man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wat a bloody boloney...............................
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Very restrained reply there Ray......................
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