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Help needed!

Published: 11 Dec 2004 - 09:36 by drop-shot

Updated: 11 Dec 2004 - 19:09

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Hi there,
please help me with tactic. What should I do when my opponent LOVES to play dropshots. I like to play squash very much, but this guy is killing my warm feelings to this game. I am trying to play a lot of volleys and deep and long drives, but I'd like to hear some proffesional comments. Thanks in advancesquash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From drop-shot - 11 Dec 2004 - 19:09

Hello there,
you can be sure I will come back with update on my progress. I am sure your advices will work.

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From rippa rit - 11 Dec 2004 - 09:09

Slavi, sorry if I missed your forum question but it just appeared now. Anyway, I see your "drop" search brought up 9 articles for reference so by the time you go through that lot you will be a wiser player!! And a little older too after working through all the tips! Good luck and let us know how you go with your new approach to your opponent.

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From drop-shot - 11 Dec 2004 - 04:35

Okay, Okay, I found the answer. It proves that this website is really THE BEST to learn about squash from A to Z.
Of course it depends on me and my qualities, but RIPPA&Co. do a great job here. You should be awarded :)

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