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Racket Manufacture

Published: 08 Feb 2008 - 01:05 by strokes_sports

Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 07:14

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I've just reading about the manufacture of tennis rackets in China. The main points were that there are 3 or 4 large factories in China that churn out massive quantities of rackets and that any one factory would typically make rackets for several different brands. It also went on to say that the working conditions were terrible with the workers living in dormitories on site and earning very little.

If this is true i assume the same for squash.

Does anyone know any different or know anything about the manufacturing process? Does anyone care? If a maufacturer were to operate in a more ethical way would you be inclined to buy their rackets (assuming that they are of equivalent quality and price)

Your thoughts please....

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From rskting - 10 Feb 2008 - 08:17

the so called factory conditions are overplayed by media. i wouldn't comment until first hand experience. Also take into account the alternative to not having no work. Also take into account China is a huge country. I've seen bad factories in north america too.

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From strokes_sports - 08 Feb 2008 - 19:25

From what I understand during the 80's and 90's the factory's were generally based in Taiwan but it was getting increasingly difficult to find cheap labour so the factorys moved to China (still under Taiwanese ownership)

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From rippa rit - 08 Feb 2008 - 07:43   -   Updated: 08 Feb 2008 - 07:48

From what I know the same thing applies to squash.

It is all about quantity and the frequency of orders. The minimum order is about 3,000 rackets so if you have turnover that is ok.  If you do not turn them over quickly your model will become outdated, so the cycle continues.

The more regular the custom the better the quality.

Thinking about most mass produced products the senario is probably the same.

I know nothing about the conditions of workers.  We all know there is a big swing towards production in China of most products including clothing, sports equipment, hardware, etc and that could only be about the dollars and cents.


The factory I dealt with many years ago was actually in Taiwan

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