turning; When is it forced?
Published: 20 Jan 2008 - 04:09 by aprice1985
Updated: 20 Jan 2008 - 08:55
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From aprice1985 - 20 Jan 2008 - 08:55
From Adz - 20 Jan 2008 - 05:40
In this situation a referee should give you a stroke as your opponent played a dangerous shot without knowing where you were.
HOWEVER: You would be wrong in saying that the opponent should not be allowed to turn in this position. The rules state that DELIBERATE turning is not allowed, but in this case your opponent made efforts to play the ball and was forced into turning by missing the first attempt. He was quite entitled to do this and to ask for a let, but by playing the ball it can be considered dangerous play and therefore a stroke should have been awarded to you.
Hope that helps,
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