ladder or league?
Published: 17 Jan 2008 - 06:04 by aprice1985
Updated: 18 Jan 2008 - 09:54
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From rippa rit - 18 Jan 2008 - 09:54
From Adz - 17 Jan 2008 - 21:27
Both work if run correctly with players who want to play.
I've seen different clubs refer to each type by both names though, so it might be worth clarifying what you mean by each. My convention is:
Leagues: A group of divisions of a set number of players. After a set amount of time (usually monthly) winning players get promoted to a higher division, losing players get demoted to lower divisions.
Ladders: A list of players in order of rank. To move up you need to beat a higher ranked player (closer to the top of the ladder) than you. This usually doesn't have a set time to play in (unless there are prizes for the highest ranked player after a set time). Ladders are normally used for ranking lists within teams.
Hope that helps,
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Well I am for having both a ladder and leagues to cater for all standards, eg
- The Challenge Ladder to sort out the grading/divisions (ranking players).
- The League set up in Divisions (6 teams of 3 per Division) to compete in Graded Divisions
This format will depend on the numbers of course. It could then be a team league or an individual league, eg round robin.Back to top