Fire in the belly
Published: 16 Jan 2008 - 21:01 by rippa rit
Updated: 20 Jan 2008 - 20:51
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The longer the chase the more resources within are called upon, eg mental, physical and interpersonal, to get through the tough. Not that I am suggesting that, once off the playing arena, champions should turn into "asses" nor should they be tolerated. However, it is easy to criticise, when for those looking on from their armchairs, with a heart rate of 75 bpm, in the shade, watching long 2 hour games, it is easy to overlook the intense feelings during such encounters; with a heart rate comparison 75:210 bpm and, what do they say "take your time, and breath deeply, slow down". Sure, keeping cool and keep thinking is good to control the arousal, but the important difference is the elevated heart rate (engine at high revs!).
Changing traits does not come easy, especially when your body is under so much pressure. Some cannot keep their cool when their heart rate is almost normal!
It is a special attribute.
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