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Racquet for a novice player

Published: 12 Jan 2008 - 04:40 by muhammadadel

Updated: 16 Apr 2008 - 19:24

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I am a novice player. I have been playing regularly  for one month and half, 2 or 3 times per week and I am planning to go on.

I have a Dunlop Tempo Graphite raquet but now as my level advances I fell that it is too heavy for me (170 gm). Sometimes I have to put a lot of power in order to deliver the ball to the back corners that I fell pain in my arm. These shots that need a lot of power are less controlled as I focus on putting power to the shot.

I have been reading about the way to choose a raquet and I know that it differs depending on the player himself. Here are some info about me:

I am 181 cm tall, very thin (57 kg),  my arm is weak compared to all my friends, they can easily deliver more power to the ball using the same raquet. I have known my arm to be weak many years ago from many things and situations ( at the gem for example), so this is not something that will improve very much by practicing.

I think that I need a light raquet - or a raquet that feels light depending on things such as weight and balance- and it should be a raquet that delivers good power to the ball so it doesn't strain my arm and enable me to focus on controlling the shots.

I don't have a coatch and I don't have access to many raquets to try. I can buy Dunlop and Head raquets only, these are the two brands available in the stores here in Egypt (or at least the stores I know).

Regarding price, I think that a raquet that is less than 110$ suits my budget.

Any suggestions?

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From Adz - 16 Apr 2008 - 19:24

Cheers Ray!

I didn't want to come across as complaining, but I always like to see people get independent advice from knowledgable squash players on here and advertising a "solution" with a product to someone's query just didn't seem the right thing to do.


Muhammadadel: Good luck with the racquet trials. Try to find something around 140-150g as this will give you a lighter feeling racquet, but still something sturdy enough for when you do hit the wall. From experience a lot of the mid-priced Prince and Dunlop racquets seem to be being used in my local area, and if you're in the UK expect to pay somewhere around £30 to £50 for a racquet like this.


Of interest, I have seen a few good deals flying about on some of the internet retailers, but it means buying 2 rackets for £80 or around £50 each. It depends where you area in the world and how much you're aiming to spend!






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From raystrach - 16 Apr 2008 - 07:50

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From Adz - 16 Apr 2008 - 05:33   -   Updated: 16 Apr 2008 - 05:34

I have to say, I have no problems with people giving advice about different types of racquets, but I DO have a problem with people advertising their own products on the website.


Are people paying advertising fees to blatantly promote their own products?


I'm concerned that someone with little knowledge about racquets is going to be fooled into buying something overpriced or incorrect for them by an unscrupalous internet dealer!



Here's a brief set of ideas for you to go by:

1) Only take indpendent advice or the advice of dealers who sell multiple brands

2) Ask the advice of anyone on here who has used multiple brands or has had lots of experience in helping people out with squash problems (e.g. coaching, equipment etc).


Personally my first advice would be to speak to as many people in your club as possible. Ask to have a brief hit up and down the wall with their racquets. What feels good? Is it even balance? Large head? Small head? What strings are they using? Once you have some brief info about the options which you feel suit you best, you can use this to come up with a short list of racquets that would suit your game style.


Let me know once you have some leads and I'll let you know whatever I can about the different racquets that would suit!







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From tuliosdotcom - 15 Apr 2008 - 22:33   -   Updated: 16 Apr 2008 - 07:34

You should take a look at our Squash rackets great value and really are a good standard and value racket.


post edited by raystrach - advertising image deleted

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From rippa rit - 13 Jan 2008 - 19:09   -   Updated: 13 Jan 2008 - 19:20

Fatness - you are right about the technique causing loss of power and a sore arm. Here are a couple of previous posts on these two topics.

The grip size is more about arm pain.

The post racket for a new player has some discussion on technique which is more about power.

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From fatness - 13 Jan 2008 - 00:14

hello there,

I had a similar problem when starting to play squash. the key to delivering more power is correct technique. if you address the ball correctly, give plenty of space with your racket head up, turn your shoulder towards the target you will get 4 to five times morer power in your shot. weight transfer into and out of the shot helps too. i would suggest getting some coaching, its much better value for money than buying flashy expensive rackets, although i would agree with sparty the dunlop  c max 525 is an excellent racket for beginnersvdue to the fact its powerful, very forgiving and reasonably priced on e bay.

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From nickhitter - 12 Jan 2008 - 20:44

I am without doubt convinced the best racket for you will be a wilson hyper hammer 120. This is a frame from about 2005 that has been re-released for 2008. very light at 120grams, yet slightly head heavy to propell the ball, VERY forgiving with loads of power. You can also find them very cheap on ebay. A similar feeling racket if you wanted to stay using dunlop would be a c-max 525 carbon. Again you can find that very cheap on ebay too and most ebay stores will post worldwide. I would stay away from Head rackets as they have a reputation for being undurable and at your level you will be hitting the wall a lot.


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