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Dual Loop Magnetic Ion Bracelet

Published: 10 Dec 2007 - 04:59 by SamBWFC

Updated: 13 Aug 2010 - 06:21

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I came across this while browsing through the Sport Discount website, as well as reading the magazine they send out:




This is the description given:

"Minus Ions in Trion:Z products increase concentration, performance & the feeling of well being.

Magnetic Therapy loosens muscles & increases blood flow to facilitate healing & cell regeneration..

Combines Minus-ions & Magnetic Therapy for the most powerful combination availible."

Now all I can think is... what a load of dog ****. Seriously, how can a bracelet do this?

Has anyone bought into these? And do they actually make a difference? I really cannot see what effect these would have on someone's game.

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From nonamed_buster - 13 Aug 2010 - 06:21

Talking about ionic necklaces - there are many japanese and korean ones, and they all declare

from 1200 to more than 2000 ions/cc,  but trion-z declares 50-100 times more powerful - strange.

Japanese and Korean ones use basically 3 components: tourmaline, titanium and germanium

Tourmaline - emits far infrared rays and minus ion when warming by body heat. It's not a placebo. I have some tourmaline pads (bought on eBay) and they heat body soooo much that you hardly can stand.

Germanium - there used ionized germanium. It emits minus ions and it is used in official medicine. It's not a placebo.

What about titanium - it is BELIVED that it emits ions. Don't really know.

I used  Korean 3-roped necklace  in cold russian winter (down to minus 30°C) and feeled that my hands did not hardened when cold. (It's typical reaction to the cold weather 'couse of blood pressure in hands increasing and they get hard). I think it because of blood is more liquid when ionized.

I accidentally lost necklace and bought Trion-Z an now I can't feel any difference and lock is very weak. Perhaps it's fake (there are present on eBay) or there are all trion-Z is weak ones. 

About magnets - ones in Trion-Z will continiously loose their power 'cause of their orientation (it's simple physics)

All Trion's and Phiten's descriptions looks like it kind of mambawamba.

Any ionic gear can be tested by air ions counter / tester, but it cost about 500 USD on eBay.

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From nonamed_buster - 13 Aug 2010 - 05:34

From nonamed_buster - 13 Aug 2010 - 05:34

From Adz - 29 Oct 2008 - 18:39

Well mine was too tight to keep wearing so I actually managed to get hold of another one on eBay. Apparently the official Trion:Z suppliers are being very careful to have any of their products removed from eBay claiming copyright infringement when people advertise an auction using the "Trion:Z" name (or at least that's what the guy I got it off told me)

I actually had to complete the transaction outside of eBay to get hold of it (although it was one of the camo design ones and they'd only just become available in the UK!).

As for my Dad. he's still wearing his as a sort of fashion thing, but he doesn't keep it on 24/7.


Between the old one and the new one I honestly didn't feel that much of a difference, so I think it might have an effect for some people (even if it's a placebo effect), but not really for me!


Although I am standing by my original statement:

"I'd say go for it, but don't waste £19 on one when you can win one on ebay for less than £10! Even if it helps just a tiny bit towards health, recovery and concentration, it's got to be worth the cost of 5 pints in the pub!"





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From jimbob1965 - 29 Oct 2008 - 06:37   -   Updated: 29 Oct 2008 - 06:41

Hey Adz, are you still wearing your Trion:Z bracelet and do you still think it has any positive effects?  What about your sceptical Dad - is he still wearing his and deriving any benefits?

I have worn mine non-stop since buying it and I would say that my game probably has not measurably improved as a result (any improvement is probably more down to other factors, like reading, and more regular practice sessions!), although I do feel there are benefits to general mental alertness and muscle recovery.  I still have not suffered from any stiffness or cramps since wearing it and these used to be quite regular occurences.

Does anyone know whether the effects of these bracelets are time limited, e.g. by the magnetic/ionic properties diminishing over time?  As my bracelet is approaching a year old, I wonder if I should think about replacing it.  Apart from that, the sweat produced during squash will be degrading it surely (I do was it regularly though!).



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From mike - 03 Feb 2008 - 14:00

I find the concept of placebos and mental alertness interesting. Clearly if you take a placebo to cure your bout of cancer or a broken leg, and it doesn't work, you're in trouble because you still have a real, and physical ailment.

But if one takes a placebo to improve concentration, alertness and mental energy and they think it works, then it has worked! So if the a belief in this sort of product tricks your mind into functioning better on the squash court then the goal has been achieved, whether the bracelet was a physical contributor or simply a psyciological catalyst.

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From nickhitter - 03 Feb 2008 - 10:21

Well I looked into this, actually it's all the placebo effect. There is no evidence at all. Also I've just read a couple of double blind clincal trials on magetic ion bracelets out of interest this minute, and the results compared to the placebo are almost identical consistently. My view is, if something works, it REALLY works! And you wouldn't have to say "I'm not sure if it's working or not"

The thing is, user reviews on these are generally pointless because in order to buy one of these in the first place you either have to 'hope' or 'believe' that it works. Otherwise you wouldn't waste your time and money, right? Hope and belief are obviously very positive human emotions that create positive and very real effects on the body, due to way the human mental state responds to emotion. So by attaching 'hope' to something you are already feeling better. So there you have your placebo effect. But let it be that way if it works for you, I guess. I would only say that finacially, it is dangerous to attach hope or belief onto unproven products that cost money, because before you know it you're spending you're last pennies on some magic beans! Enter the world of marketing opportunity! ;-)

At least with these bracelets they are only conning you out of 20 quid.


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From jimbob1965 - 03 Feb 2008 - 08:54   -   Updated: 03 Feb 2008 - 08:56

Right, I have been wearing the Trion:Z bracelet for exactly a fortnight without a break (except while talking a shower) and have played around 6 squash sessions during that time.  Went for a large in black & black colour, which fits snugly around my wrist allowing the magnets to rest on the pulse point, as recommended by the makers of Trion:Z.

Like Adz, I was a real sceptic about this but thought what the heck, anything's worth a try, even if it results in a psychosomatic effect.  During the first few hours of wearing it, I actually felt wierd, developing a fuzzy headache, as if I had spent too long on a mobile phone or something.  This may have just been a coincidental stress headache, but was still a bit disconcerting.  Fortunately, my head had completely cleared by the next morning and I have had no headaches since.

During the past fortnight, I would say I have noticed differences on several levels.  Firstly, I think my play is slightly, but not majorly, better.  Secondly, I feel more mentally alert, and not just on the squash court but at work and home as well.  Finally, I feel my muscles are more resilient and my body recovers from games much faster and better.

As regards the improvement in play, it is hard to say whether the bracelet is the cause, as I am currently working on improving my game generally and have started regular pair drills sessions.  This may therefore have more to do with it.  The general increase in mental alertness is noticeable though and of course, could also contribute to better play.  I definitely feel like I 'think' more and better on court, as well as off it.  In terms of muscle resillience and recovery, this is a major plus point for me as I sometimes used to develop some stiffness in the legs the following day after a particularly brutal game, plus some elbow pain, but I can honestly say that I have not suffered any of this since wearing the bracelet.

In summary then, like Adz, I would say that it is definitely worth trying one of these bracelets given the relatively low cost.  It may not work for everyone, but its a small amount of money to risk to find out.  The only down side for me is that it can draw a few funny looks from people I work with if it slips into view from under my shirt cuff.  I then find myself having to explain that I am not going through some sort of male menopause, trying to go back to being all trendy.  I'm sure some people still don't believe me either, although I have had some knowing looks from golfers, who are probably hiding the same thing up their sleeves!



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From jimbob1965 - 19 Jan 2008 - 11:02

I now own one of these bracelets as it arrived today from an EBay seller.  Your Dutch seller had not put any more up for sale Adz, so I ended up paying £13.95 plus £1 P&P, which is as cheap as I have found.

Did you notice any difference instantaneously, or does it take time to feel any effect?  Also, now that we are back in more of a normal routine after the Christmas break, can you give any further, and perhaps more realistic, feedback on its effectiveness?

I'll do the same as you and give a bit of feedback after wearing it for 2 weeks or so.



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From Adz - 31 Dec 2007 - 05:49

The sellers username is FARRPHY but they don't have any for sale on there at the moment. The one I had in my watch list went for £11.51, but seen others go for less. Depends on colours and sizes I guess.

Hope that helps!


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From jimbob1965 - 31 Dec 2007 - 01:17   -   Updated: 31 Dec 2007 - 01:19

Thanks for that Adz.  I still can't find your Dutch EBay seller though.  Do you still have their EBay ID?

I too have a 19cm wrist so will definitely go for a large.  I think I will choose a pretty inconspicuous colour as well if you should wear it all the time, for the same reasons as you.  Still, you often see lots of people with those garishly coloured charity bracelets, so this should not be too much of a problem and I am sure people will just assume it's another one of those but in a different style!  Question is, does it also make you perform better in those meetings you mention?  Some of the meetings I have to attend have a tendancy to make your concentration drift off, that's for sure!



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From Adz - 30 Dec 2007 - 21:15

There's a seller on ebay (based in the Netherlands) that has the bracelets on auctions with most going for around £10 inc p&p.

As for sizing, I figured that my 19cm wrist would warrant a medium size (18cm) band. In hindsight this might have been a bad idea as they are elastic and slightly smaller than the size suggests. My dad has a 17.5cm wrist and the medium is tight on him too. I think I'd go for the large next time!

I wear mine all the time. It's under my wrist band when I play and open on my wrist when I'm not. That's why I bought myself one that wouldn't look out of place on my wrist in meetings in work, or in the local pub when having a pint.


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From jimbob1965 - 30 Dec 2007 - 06:20   -   Updated: 30 Dec 2007 - 06:24

Right, you've convinced me.  Despite initially being a sceptic, I will also try one!  Where on EBay did you buy?  The cheapest I can find is £13.95 plus £1.50 P&P.

Also, when ordering, do you measure the wrist and order according to your actual wrist size so that it is quite tight fitting, or should you add a couple of cm to make it looser?

Finally, do you wear it all the time or just whilst playing?



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From Adz - 30 Dec 2007 - 01:53

Well I did buy one of them (god bless ebay bargains!), and after wearing it for about 2 weeks I can reveal.......


1) I do feel more alert, but it is Xmas and I have been getting more sleep because I've had holidays off work. I also don't seem to get to the point of passing out on court like I was just before the break (carrying far too much weight to be running around like a lunatic and post xmas I've got another half a stone of it!).

2) I really do feel less aches and pains! Yes admittedly I haven't played as much squash as usual, but over the last 2 days I've put in 3 hours and feel a little stiff but not really in any pain compared to usual. My leg injury feels less painful and hasn't felt sore the day after like normal. BUT.... I would stress that I've had 9 days off court in the mean-time.

3) I wouldn't say that I'm playing like a god on court, but I would say that I'm playing much better than I thought I'd be after 9 days off and lots (and I mean LOTS) of alcohol!


So here's a really interesting fact..... My mum liked the idea and bought one of these things for my dad for xmas. He's a proper sceptic when it comes to things like this. He doesn't believe in creatine effects or glucosamine sulphate effects and thinks that things like these bands are a waste of time. BUT, as it was a present he did wear it for a few days. By his own admission, his elbow injury stopped hurting on the second day, and pain subsided much quicker after exercise (he gets pain in his elbows after cycling and swimming). He does about 10 hours a week of training (puts me to shame in honesty!) and gets niggling pains every now and then. Maybe he's a better test subject than me! His experiences could be a good sign, but nothing definitive I'm afraid.


My view on it.........?


I'd say go for it, but don't waste £19 on one when you can win one on ebay for less than £10! Even if it helps just a tiny bit towards health, recovery and concentration, it's got to be worth the cost of 5 pints in the pub!




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From jimbob1965 - 29 Dec 2007 - 23:43


Did you end up buying one of these and if so, is your 2 week trial period up yet?  I can't wait to hear the feedback re the 3 questions you posed yourself, particularly question 3!!



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From aprice1985 - 11 Dec 2007 - 01:33

Ah ok, possibly british medical association or General medical council would be the 2 big important ones.  I wonder how many people are taken in by these fads/gimmicks?  There is another post about the dunlop custom rcaquets which seemed to rely on a gimmick to sell.

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From Adz - 11 Dec 2007 - 01:19

British Medical Council?

Or have I just made that up from a hazey memory?? Either way I know he's a very important guy!


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From aprice1985 - 10 Dec 2007 - 22:45

Cause i am a fussy (&^% can you tell me what the BMC is?  The only medical one i know is bioMed central which is publications?  I am just slightly strange and as i say fussy!  Also i think the idea of a test sounds good, they may do something we just dont know about, i would give it a go but dont want to fork out the £20 for one!

Personally i would have thought that point 3 is the most important, squash above aches and pains for this wannabe doctor!

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From Adz - 10 Dec 2007 - 22:29   -   Updated: 10 Dec 2007 - 22:30

I had a chat with the guy who was selling these at the Super Series finals earlier in the year. What he didn't know was that the dad of my mate who I was with sits on the BMC!! According to my mate's dad the whole thing is like a homeopathy remedy. There isn't enough ions present to actually make a difference and the placebo effect is clearly at work. So my first thoughts were that these things are a gimic and nothing more..... however.......

.......Being a bit of a net-nerd I decided to take a trawl through google to try and find out if anyone had anything bad to say about the product. What worries me is that NO ONE seems to be bad mouthing these things, and I can't find a bad review about them anywhere! So do these things actually work?

Here's a link to the wkipedia article about ion therapy. Interesting to note that many scientists disagree with the effects,

Just for a laugh I am going to buy one of these things and try it for myself. I already doubt their effects, so there'll be no placebo effect on me. Besides, my wrist band that I currently wear needs replacing anyway!

Shall we say a 2 week trial starting the day I get it?

The questions are:

1) Does it make you feel more awake and alert?

2) Does it help remove aches and pains?

3) Does it make me play like a god on a squash court?

Ok, so 3 was a bit far, but the other two should be easy enough to test!

I'll buy one today!


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From aprice1985 - 10 Dec 2007 - 07:03

As a medical opinion :), all i can say is even their science sounds dodgy.  Minus ions are things like chloride and are always found with a positive ion like sodium chloride (i.e. salt!) and i cant think that rubbing salt on will help.

Magnetic therapy is not something i really know about, i know that acupuncture etc are meant to stimulate certain cell (spindle cells i think) and thus release chemicals to aid well being but that relies on finding the right spot on the body.  I just dont believe them.  Maybe like copper bracelets for sea sickness they do work (so i am told anyway) but i cant see how.

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From nickhitter - 10 Dec 2007 - 06:11

The only thing I can think is they are like arthritis bracelets and maybe help with wrist joint problems or something.

Not something I'll be buying.


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