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More on the Tie Breaker System

Published: 24 Nov 2004 - 00:11 by raystrach

Updated: 28 Nov 2004 - 00:11

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There is apparently some confusion about the new tie braker system which normally goes to 11 points per game. Once the score is 10 all, the first player to get 2 points ahead wins the game (match). Here is what the PSA has just released to prevent confusion:

In each match, when the score reaches 10 all for the first time, the marker shall announce:
– Ten all ” tiebreaker, player to win by two clear points.…

For any subsequent games in that match when the score reaches 10 all, the marker shall announce:
– Ten all, tiebreaker.…

After that, the score shall be announced as follows:
– 11-10, game ball… (or match ball, as appropriate)
– 11 all…
– 12-11, game ball… (or match ball, as appropriate)
– 13-11, game to # .… (or match to ..., as appropriate),etc.

The game score shall then be recorded as " 11-10 (3-1)"

Hope this helps ease the confusion.squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From drop-shot - 28 Nov 2004 - 00:11

Thanks a lot for clarification.
So, if I play non-proffesionally (I am not yet thePSA player ;-))) I can play till 8 with "normal" rules...
Thanks once more

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From raystrach - 27 Nov 2004 - 00:59

to my knowledge this system has been developed over the last couple of years by the PSA. I remember Geoff Hunt telling me a couple of years ago that he had just seen a tournament in England with PAR scoring until about 9 all, then a handout (international scoring) system to 11. The tie break system in 11 point PAR is essentially the same and has probably developed fom that.

It does not replace 15 PARS but is a response in trying to create a more exiting and shorter format.

See the following PSA article for more on this: select the News archive and go to "PSA to Launch New Scoring System" 9 Mar 2004.

please reply if you know more detail

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From prabbit - 27 Nov 2004 - 00:53

Yes, the rules changed....kind of. For the Men's PSA tournaments, the scoring is now PAR to 11 (clear by two). WIPSA tournaments and non-professional squash, the scoring has not changed.

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From drop-shot - 27 Nov 2004 - 00:09

Hi everyone,
Just one quick question:
Did the rules of squash changed regarding the scoring system, so from now we play till 11 points with PAR system – every rally is a point? Or was it established only for few tournaments?

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Nicely summarised tip, thanks! I think I'll note that into my squash folder!

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