Metallix 140 - what string should I use?
Published: 05 Dec 2007 - 01:26 by Millercrow
Updated: 03 Feb 2008 - 15:09
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I have just purchased the Metallix 140 and now thinking of cutting out the defult strings and adding new ones. The thing is however, I am unsure about which strings to add to ensure the best possible performance of this racket.
I was considering Ashaway Powernick18, e-squash PowerFibre, Technifibre 305, Ashaway SuperNick XL...what to use?

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From rskting - 03 Feb 2008 - 15:09
From hairoun - 03 Feb 2008 - 07:20
From ferris69 - 08 Dec 2007 - 01:35
From jimbob1965 - 06 Dec 2007 - 07:49
I have just restrung my Dunlop M-Fil Tour with X-One and it is loads better. I therefore went and bought 3 sets off EBay for future restringings. Got 3 sets for just £30 via auction bidding, which is way less than you would pay elsewhere, with a free pack of Tecnifibre synthetic gut thrown in to boot (as the price reached £30 or more). There is also a specialist squash seller on EBay doing them for £12 per pack via Buy it Now with free postage, which is also a good deal.
From nickhitter - 06 Dec 2007 - 05:01
well I have tried so many different strings. Out of boredom more than anything. but what's always interesting is that when I'm gonna be playing an important match, I always go with my racket with tecnifibre 305 in. I don't know why I just keep going back to that string.
I'm gonna try the x-one bi-phase next. maybe that will pull me away from my trusty 305!
From hamburglar - 06 Dec 2007 - 03:25
From mike - 05 Dec 2007 - 08:40
Technifibre multifillament (305). The same for any racquet ;)
Apart from these, and the native strings that came with my Karakal and Head racquets I've only used the Technifibre single fillament, and Ashaway Supernick.
The Ashaways play fine, but they lasted about half the time of the Technifibre.
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