- Taking off a grip
Published: 18 Nov 2007 - 10:58 by rippa rit
Updated: 18 Nov 2007 - 18:32
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We have spoken about applying a grip before and Ray has a video ready for release on how to apply a grip. However, I have a search query "how to take off a grip". Here is a brief udea:
- Undo/unwind the plastic tape around the top of the grip which is usually the last thing applied. Its purpose is mainly to keep the grip from unravelling or looking untidy.
- Lift up the grip starting from the top (there will be a pointed cut).
- Be sure to pull up the grip as well as the thin plastic double-sided adhesive tape that is attached to the back of the grip.
- Take care when unravelling the grip as the edges will be thin and fragile, especially if it is slightly overlapped and sticky.
- To reapply the grip, start from the bottom (just do the reverse, overlapping the joins).
- When reapplying, pull the grip tightly as you wrap it around the handle.
- The start and finish of a grip has a bias/oblique angle and tthat is the key to getting the grip to wrap around the handle.

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From nmc8 - 18 Nov 2007 - 18:32
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The only thing I would add to the process of putting the grip on is something that I have noticed some players do and which i do to a lesser extent and that is to slightly extend the grip up the shaft beyond the handle. How far seems to be a matter of debate and personal preference, but the reason is the when you wish to shorten the racket ie playing from the back corners etc you keep your handfingers on some grip and not on the frame.
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