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Published: 05 Nov 2007 - 16:29 by adam_pberes

Updated: 05 Nov 2007 - 18:25

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Greeting all,


My coach is currently trying to get me sponsored by dunlop, and I have an interview this wednesday with the rep. I've been suggested to create a resume, now I know what normal work resume's are like.... But what do you put on a sporting resume??



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From rippa rit - 05 Nov 2007 - 18:25

Some ideas for you - I have been sponsored in two sports.  Sporting achievement is of course the easy way but there are other ways to sell yourself too:

  • How will sponsoring you benefit the sporting company - increase sales?
  • Give details of your achievements in the sport either as a player, coach or centre operator/manager - your exposure to the squash public.
  • If you work at a squash centre/sporting store - opportunities to sell.
  • Why you believe their equipment is so good/attractive - the points you see exhibited in their products which you would recommend to team mates, juniors, etc
  • How often you play - number of times on court in a week.
  • The number of tournaments you enter each year - exposure.
Well that will get you started... good luck.

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as Rippa Rit suggested I focused on what to do to get in the match rather than beating myself up over errors.

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