Sore elbow?
Published: 24 Nov 2004 - 21:45 by rippa rit
Updated: 08 Apr 2009 - 13:20
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Many people who play racket sports, or just do jobs that require repetitive arm movements, can suffer from "Tennis Elbow". So that speaks for itself why it is called tennis elbow even if the person has never been on a tennis court. Try to stop the pain.
Did you realise that:
- The incorrect grip can aggravate the tendons in the forearm. Unfortunately to havethe correct grip, it is necessary to have the correct swing.
- Holding the racket grip too tightly can strain the muscles. Try the idea of Hit and Grip, then Relax, to minimise the tension in the arm.
- Having a grip handle that is too small causes the fingers and hand to strain/cramp. Try building up the grip handle a little bigger (insulation tape is a good material for that)then put on a new grip.
- Hitting the ball with a dropped wrist (goose neck) extends the tendons, which in turn pull at the joints.
- If the technique remains the same (incorrect), it will be difficult to permanently get rid of a sore elbow.
Speak to a Coach, and if the problem persists consult a Sports Physiotherapist.

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From rippa rit - 08 Apr 2009 - 13:20
From crastogi - 08 Apr 2009 - 11:31
Hi Rita:
elbow update - i gave it a weeks rest and picked up a head microgel 115ct. it seems much more stable racket. also, tennis elbow is gone.
i think either the black max carbon is either vibrating too much or is too flimsy (whippy) which was causing the pain. thanks
From rippa rit - 03 Apr 2009 - 13:28
crastogi - there have been many posts about a sore elbow, tennis elbow, etc. see the Relevant Content tab (top lefthand column) for more posts.
There is one other thing I forgot to check and that is the "breaking" of the wrist when swinging at the ball, especially on the backhand. If you gooseneck your wrist that will put a lot of strain on the tendons in the arm - it is the forearm rotation that is to be used in the swing to get the power for all power shots. Check you are keeping your wrist controlled (slightly cocked) when hitting the ball.
If your old racket is still ok maybe get a new restring or buy another racket the same, if you are sure it is the racket, and sell your old one at a discounted price. When you buy a new racket make sure you get the correct weight, and strings as previously too.
From crastogi - 03 Apr 2009 - 12:32
Hi Rita:
thanks for your tips. I used the old racket for a couple of years with ashaway powernick strings till the strings broke. i never had any elbow pain with that racket.
Grip - i use the handshake grip; not a hammer type grip - i think it is OK
Grip Size - original grip is skinny, so i added a dunlop hydramax overgrip. i thought that would help.
I think the factory strung racket is too light and prone to vibration. may be that could be it. The only differences i can see is racket weight, quality of strings.
anybody else complaining of elbow pain with light rackets?
From rippa rit - 02 Apr 2009 - 16:03 - Updated: 02 Apr 2009 - 16:05
If you have pain in the elbow do not continue to play until you get it sorted out as it is sure to get worse over time and if it becomes chronic can be really hard to fix. If you think it is the new racket don't use it for now, go back to the old one. It might just be a co-incidence and could have been coming on. Have you been doing anything different at home or work, eg building, painting, hammering. Meantime check out:
- your technique. eg do not swing the racket like a hammer, use the correct grip
- your grip size
- the vibration
- tension of strings
Give your arm a rest for a couple of weeks, ice your elbow after playing if it is tender. I do not want to suggest you buy another racket (a duplicate of the old one in every way, ie weight, strings, grip).
From crastogi - 02 Apr 2009 - 10:21 - Updated: 02 Apr 2009 - 10:22
well I changed from a Dunlop Hotmelt Pro Jonathan Power to a Dunlop Black MAX Carbon ( a much lighter racket)
I have developed pain in my elbow and lower part of the arm. had no pain for years when i paid with the old racket. any suggestions to alleviate the pain?
From rippa rit - 15 Sep 2007 - 07:51 - Updated: 15 Sep 2007 - 07:53
Thanks, I guess the criteria here is:
Check the weight
Check the vibration
Check the string tension, eg too loose, too tight
Check the grip size
This, together with the techique, will make it a personal choice with some need for fine tuning. And, when looking to buy a racket try to use a demo model for a game. The delima for a beginner is, the hire rackets are usually crap, and not knowing how the racket is supposed to feel makes for a bit of trial and error, and expense too.
Squash is a good healthy game and you are on the right track already.
From Dopey - 14 Sep 2007 - 16:55
Hir Rita,
Both of my racquets are Dunlop, the heavier one is a C-Max Lite Ti, don't be fooled by the name, it is of Titanium Alloy construction and was bought cheap as a first " don't want to spend too much in case I dont like the game" racquet.
The newer lighter one is a Dunlop Black Max Titanium of Carbon Titanium construction. The old racquet weight is 220g the new one just 120g.
Hope this helps.
From adam_pberes - 14 Sep 2007 - 13:03
Playing with a dunlop racquet a few weeks back, as The strings went on my usual racquet, I developed tennis elbow, The strings were pretty crap on the dunlop (stocks) and I changed the strings,
Tennis elbow=Gone.
A few people at my squash centre have also said that changing the strings removed the tennis elbow. Also vibration dampeners have removed it partially.
From rippa rit - 14 Sep 2007 - 09:44
Just for curiosity what do the both rackets weigh?
Also it would be good to know the brand/model of those rackets, as well as the composition/construction material.
From Dopey - 14 Sep 2007 - 09:19
This is something that as a new player I was suffering from quite recently.
I am therefore suprised to see that you don't also mention the weight of the racquet.
Having been suffering for a couple of weeks, I borrowed someone elses racquet and was surprised to find that it was only about half the weight of mine.
Having bought a new racquet, I am no longer suffering.
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CR - well let's hope that is the end of the elbow problem. It would be a good idea to note the weight, the strings, the tension, the grip size, the composition of the racket, if that seems right and try to duplicate those factors next time your are in the market for a racket. I hate changing rackets. Like everything else, as soon as you get the right feel, the right fit, size, etc a new model comes out and away all the good things seem to go with it, and especially footwear too.
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