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Strings for Grays Powerflow Elite

Published: 03 Nov 2007 - 02:58 by NickH

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 17:20

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Hi all,

Just got my Grays Powerflow Elite today, and not sure which strings to put in it, or at what tension.

For the record I am a fairly advanced player, looking to improve my control and touch to give a more all round game. I'd be pretty interested to know how people have got on with the Grays- I chose it because its supposed to be really good for control and strong all round as well...



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From nickhitter - 03 Nov 2007 - 05:39

I used a powerflow elite for a while, and I experimented with different string types/tensions.

it's a very stiff, control racket really, with a small head size so it doesn't really benefit to have it strung too tight. I'm a touch player mainly who uses power shots only to change pace and punish weak shots and I strung mine around 26lbs for best results (make sure the machine that is used is calibrated for squash though, as to get the same tension at my local racket shop re-stringer I had to ask for 30lbs becuase their machine was calibrated for tennis rackets and was really accurate at about 50lbs worth of tension, but not so in the squash ranges....!)

The best feeling string I found for my tastes in that racket was e-squash powerfibre. It is also one of the more durable performance strings and holds it's tension well.


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