How are the hips?
Published: 13 Jan 2005 - 20:02 by rippa rit
Updated: 11 Oct 2007 - 15:26
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Maybe this is advice for veterans! However, squash can be like any occupation.
There are quite a lot of repetitive movements. Unfortunately, most of us cannot use both arms/hands successfully when playing squash! Darn it. Gym has become very fashionalbe over the last 15/20 years, and it does make sense to try and keep the body balanced. Things to think about when playing squash which will minimise some of the wear and tear:
- The "open stance" favours equal balance, using both legs to stabilise when swinging the racket, and is also an advantage in distributing weight equally.
- For those who jog, a level surface is preferred; or, if it is going around an oval, change directions regularly, so that the same leg/foot is not tracking/gripping around the perimeter of the circle causing extra tension on one side of the body.
- Take care when stretching, as often players stretch the muscles that are in a straight line but forget about the oblique stretching movements.
- This is more about wear and tear over an extended period of time.
- If a problem persists consult a Sports Physiotherapist.

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From aprice1985 - 26 Feb 2007 - 04:15
From rippa rit - 03 Mar 2006 - 08:24 - Updated: 03 Mar 2006 - 08:27
Here is an interesting research article on Why Having “Squash Butt” May be More Bane Than Boon :
A look at osteoarthritis of the hip
By A. Martin Clark M.D.
Illustration by Tony Cristovich
A look at osteoarthritis of the hip
By A. Martin Clark M.D.
Illustration by Tony Cristovich
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