Dealing with defeat
Published: 26 Oct 2007 - 09:06 by rippa rit
Updated: 29 Jan 2009 - 13:53
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There is no disgrace in defeat. Often players and teams are down on themselves after a loss. Destructive behaviour to ease the pain does not help, and is a short term fix, for the comeback. A lot of positive messages can be extracted from a defeat, eg
- The strengths and weaknesses of the team/players and coaches can be identified
- The club and family support system reviewed
- Look at the back-up carefully to see if you like what you see.
Positive action following a win or loss can be as simple or as expensive as is thought necessary; however, in the planning of celebrations there are good ingredients for a positive outcome, eg
- Have a massage
- Surround players/teams with positive friends, family and supporters.
- Take a break for a few days doing relaxing things or hobbies.
- See a good movie.
And there are many more ideas I am sure.
Negative action following a win or loss, eg
- Get drunk
- Spend heaps of money
- Take drugs
- Neglect the family
- Have an affair
- Avoid your friends
And there are many more things to add to the list.
If the latter is your way of handling it, seek professional help.
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