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calves or mind?

Published: 13 Oct 2007 - 09:27 by eberand

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 16:59

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hi all

i have gone up in grade and playing tougher opponents/ more competitive.

I am finding that early in the best of 5 matches I am comfortably dominating play; example, winning the 1st game easily and then either winning the 2nd or holding a very dominant lead.  During this time I am on top of my toes, getting good length and not letting my opponent in the game.

Then something seems to happen.  I relax a bit and lose my way.  Then when I try to re-group, I dont seem to be able to get back on my toes and the game totally turns around with losses resulting several times over players that clearly had no answer early to middle of the match.

I am also finding some spasms in my calves about this same time. I have been stretching before hand with little benefit. If I use spray on dencorub in the area between games it definately helps but doesnt fix it.

From this point, for eg, I might anticipate a cross court but are too far at the back or simply cant move to it like i would have early.

its not motivation, i am very keen to win. I train either squash or other activity every day

what do you think?

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From rippa rit - 15 Oct 2007 - 20:30

Yeah, just a few things I would look at:

  • Replace fluids before, and during the match
  • Stretch before and after play (prepare well to get rid of any soreness or stiffness)
  • Have a read of our Mental Skills listed in the Squash Library tab.
  • Train (as fatness suggests) to build up the strength in the legs, until you feel fatigue

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From fatness - 15 Oct 2007 - 00:01

Hello there,

I used to have the same problem as yourself until i started doing drills with one of the top players at my club. He was way too strong for me so doing drills was of benefit to both of us. doing drills helps make you perfect your technique properly. When doing the drive/drop/boast your movement technique has to be correct othewise you will tire very quickly. It also makes you get into the habit of getting up on your toes and staying there, and getting your technique right and keeping it right for the entire session. drills make you play with correct movement and swing technique and helps this to become natural to you. when it comes natural, you wont be inclined to start hanging off the T at the end of the match. Also, if your movement is good and correct, you wont be nearly as tired towards the end of a match.

Just keep moving back to the T after every shot even when tired. If you hang back it will only make things worse for you and a good player will start playing short which will mean game over for you.

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